Thursday, April 24, 2014

As the semester ends

I personally regret not writing more in my blog.  I wonder what I can do in future semesters to keep everyone and myself more accountable to this easy, weekly practice, which I think is very valuable.  Are pen-and-paper journals better?  I prefer typing, but I need it to be more immediate and in my attention when so many other things are going on. 

I should thank Nijla for inspiring me to write today (I got an update in my e-mail that she had posted about the hardest job in the world).  Young also inspired me the other day when she told me about her plan to blog about the horrible tragedy in South Korea two weeks ago, when a ship sank with many high school students and other innocent victims. 

These sorts of topics are perfect for writing in a journal.  They are in our consciousness and they affect us personally.  Writing can be a really productive way to process them. 

One issue of blogging is that it makes us vulnerable.  It puts our stories out in the world.  I've been reading a lot about the power of vulnerability in a book called The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown, a researcher who is also a really great storyteller.  I just found a YouTube video that Brené Brown did, and I think you may like it a lot!

I want to write more.  I am going to re-commit to writing more!  I hope you will too.  I'm writing this on my blog, think I'll send this in an e-mail as well.